Dec 4, 2023 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information, Retail
We are now knees deep into the WINTER HOLIDAYS season. I need to be honest; I am not as busy as I would like to be. So this is a list of a few ways you can help support me & get me a little bit more business… (1) I have quite a few items available for gifts...
Nov 1, 2023 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information, Retail
Just a few things I wanted to go over before we are knees deep into the WINTER HOLIDAYS season. Don’t worry; this one is much shorter than the October one!! (1) Thinking ahead for gifts (family, friends, coworkers, neighbors…) — I have quite a few...
Oct 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Some reminders (for current clients who haven’t read this in their email, yet) and some new things you all should note: (1) Please make sure you are checking/reading your email reminders. You should be making sure the date & time match what you have, and...
May 29, 2023 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information
This package includes any multi-person special ceremony (weddings, prom, homecoming, civil unions, handfasting ceremonies, and the like). UPDATED to reflect pricing & policy changes effective June 1, 2023: Special ceremony packages are simple… But, require...
May 21, 2023 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information
First, let me again say thank you for your continued support of my small business. Second, while I usually update my pricing every 2 years in October, I have to do it a bit early this year. I just can’t absorb increasing costs of products anymore. That said,...
Jan 2, 2023 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information, Monthly Special
As I have every year, I am offering 50% off (service, only) to any beauty professional booked in the month of January. This now extends to: nail techs, hair dressers, estheticians, massage therapists, tattoo artists, lash techs, and waxing specialists. I have *very...
Jun 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
This month, on June 22nd, I turn 48 years old. In honor of that, and in recognition of a non-profit I’ve partnered with, I’m taking donations for Joyful Transitions PDX. I’ve known Rhian (founder) since they were a small child, and I have been...
May 23, 2022 | Business Practices, General Information
Some of you have asked so here goes… This year was the 10th anniversary of the Oregon Nail Expo. When Kristen started this, it was held in a conference room in a small hotel in Kaiser, Or and was called the Willamette Valley Nail Event (or something to that...
Apr 26, 2022 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information
I have a current client who treated her daughter to a Little’s Manicure and Pedicure for her 3rd birthday back in December. She upgraded to Dazzle Dry (5m, fast dry, still regular) polish. The way I had my menu made the mani $20, the pedi $32, and the two Dazzle...
Jan 25, 2022 | Announcements, Business Practices, General Information
For those of you not aware, or needing a reminder: (A) I have a newborn grandson (born Jan 1st, 2022), and I need stay healthy to spend time with him regularly. (B) My books are *on average* 90% full. I can no longer wait until after your first appt to get a couple...
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