For any client who didn’t read the newsletter, or for those of you who are a potential new client —

(1) I am continuing physical therapy at home for my shoulder & hip. Hoping I don’t need surgery, but if I do, you all will have plenty of notice! I see my primary mid-month. But, let this be a reminder to RELAX YOUR HANDS!!!!

(2) Please reacquaint yourself with my late, reschedule, & sick cancelation policies*. No more exceptions!!

(3) Please reacquaint yourself with my hand washing, food, drink, & cell phone policies*. Some of you are slipping… ;D

(4) Please reacquaint yourself with my nail art & add-on policies*.

(5) ALWAYS let me know if you’re going to need a repair before your appointment.

(6) Remember: I have a referral program!!! Please help me remember to punch your referral card when you send a client to me. Send me five, and you get $25 off your next service!

(7) Looks like they are in final testing stages of having everyone migrate from Schedulicity to Vagaro, probably this month. It’s *supposed* to be an easy migration, but just in case, please double check ALL of your upcoming appointments (make sure they’re in your own calendars — paper or your phone app — just in case something goes awry). Stay tuned.

(8) If you are scheduling any pedicure services, please MESSAGE ME FIRST!!! I have to cut to no more than 2 per day; it’s making my wrist & shoulder worse. Failure to do so may result in me canceling it and/or rescheduling (I will text you first, though). I will leave all currently scheduled ones; this is for any future appointments.

(9) Please check my social media before messaging me (and feel free to FOLLOW me), as the answer to your questions may be readily available.

*If you don’t know what these policies are, feel free to message me.