A lot of clients have asked about Nail Camp (aka: NW Nail Tech Retreat), so I figured I’d blog about it.

I first heard of Nail Camp through some veteran tech friends, maybe 10 years ago? At the time, it was $400, but I couldn’t even afford that. So, I waited, and saved, and made more friends in the industry. Facebook came around, groups were created, and I made even more connections. Last year, I’d planned to go, but then my husband got laid off, so I decided it wasn’t an expense we needed to incur. But, this year, I told him “It’s $500, now. I’m going. We’ll take it out of the tax refund.” (I also got my newest tattoo with some of that money.)

I bought my ticket and started planning with two nail sisters, Jody & Keren. Jody lives in Michigan & Keren is in Florida. Keren’s plan was to fly in Wednesday night and I’d meet her at the hotel in Seattle, eat, and sleep. We’d do something tourist-y Thursday morning, then meet up with Jody for lunch (as Jody’s flight got in Thursday mid-morning), and hang the rest of the afternoon. We’d all share a room, then head Friday morning to the ferry and ride over to Vashon Island (Nail Camp is at Camp Burton).

Plans went slightly awry when Keren had some last-minute family problems. However, she was able to sell her ticket, correct the hotel reservation, and deal with the airlines without too much hassle. So, instead of my original plan to leave mid-Wednesday, I left early Thursday morning. I dropped off my daughter at my mother’s in Portland (she & some other family were heading to Ashland for the weekend), then stopped only to stretch & use the restroom. That got me up to the hotel at noon, and the rest of the plan went accordingly.

Since I now had room, I offered a ride to another tech (Natasha); she met us at the hotel Friday morning. We made our way to the ferry (which made Jody nauseous; apparently, she gets very motion sick), and down to camp. Registration & head shots done, schedules handed out, and cabin assignments given, we put our things away and went to lunch. We also got GOODIE BAGS!!! I posted a pic on my FB Page (facebook.com/artistryofthenailsalon), if you’re interested.

The whole weekend was a blur of hands on short classes, hands on longer classes, product demos, shopping, food, visiting, games, and more. I took two paid classes – Shapes (where we learned how to properly place a nail form for different shapes, plus practice sculpting that shape) and a Specialty Art class (where we learned different techniques using Wildflowers Academy’s products). I also took (free) a social media class (learned a few things I didn’t already know about how to make the most out of my professional social media), and two technique classes (both of which gave me tips/tricks to cut down my time).

After lunch on Monday, Jody & another tech whom I had offered a ride back to the hotel (Tameaka) had another hour of their last paid class, so I offered a ride to the ferry to Natasha & yet another tech, Melanie. If I were traveling alone, and hadn’t promised Jody I’d be with her every step she needed me, I would have taken the Tacoma ferry at the south end of the island, and saved myself a couple hours. BUT, I promised, so I drove Natasha & Melanie north to the Seattle ferry, then back down to camp. I met up with my long-time tech friend (one of my first in the industry, Holly; she’s now as I call it “nail tech famous”) to chat & say goodbye, found the ladies, grabbed our stuff, and headed back.

We filled up my rig on the island (20c cheaper than by my house!); Jody showed me how, as it’s been over 25 years since I’ve pumped gas, and we made our way to the ferry. This time, Jody & Tameaka went up to the observation deck, which Jody said helped her motion sickness. Fifteen minutes goes quickly; we loaded back into my rig, I dropped them at the hotel, and headed home, stopping only to stretch and use the restroom at a mid-way rest area.

I got home around 8p, which worked out perfectly. My daughter is one of the school’s stage managers, and had rehearsal ‘til 8p that night (she returned from her trip Sunday night), so we had pizza for dinner, I unpacked & started laundry, and went to bed. When I was back at the salon Tuesday morning, I talked to my salon’s owner (the other nail tech) and she said she’s going in 2019 (Nail “Camp” is not happening in 2018; it will be Nail “Cruise” to Hawaii– 10 days on a cruise ship; half the time doing camp and the other half playing… also way out of our budgets!).

I also ordered some nail goodies that the educators/vendors didn’t have on hand; they will be here this week, so I can start creating some AWESOME nail art (and yes, charging accordingly for it).